Yara dental Clinic, we take care of you like how we take care of our families. On your first dental visit with us, please arrive about 10 minutes prior to your actual appointment time to fill out the necessary paper work. Depending on the day of the week, your dental cleaning will be done by either Dr.Yara or one of our experienced dental hygienists, assuming your gums (gingivitis) are healthy.
Your first dental appointment will generally require a panoramic x-rays and just 2 bite-wings, depending on the situation or your insurance coverage.
Our digital x-ray system is very superior one. Radiation exposure is 1/10th less than traditional one
The x-rays will help Dr.Yara identify many things that are invisible to the magnified naked eyes. Things such as interproximal decay, infection of the roots, jaw bone destruction, are one of the most common diseases that many people can get.
After the x-rays are taken and your teeth polished, Dr.Yara will perform a very thorough examination of the mouth and go over things that you want to discuss. Your dental cleaning will be performed by either Dr.Yara or one of our hygienists. If your oral hygiene is not well-maintained, meaning, if you are not flossing EVERYDAY, your gums can easily become inflamed and infected. This is what we call gum disease. Many adults’ people have some form of gum disease, including gingivitis. Dr.Yara will discuss ways to combat the gum disease including scaling and deep cleaning and home care.
To help you understand some of the problems or treatments that you are not familiar with, we will also show you video clips so you can "see" and understand better.
If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to schedule an appointment, please don't hesitate to contact us.